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C o l o r f u l

By Sunday, October 28, 2012

I really am slacking this blog, doncha think?
Since I have a boring blog, I decided to edit all the pictures with colorful prints. Forgive me if I have gone overboard.

October 21st 2012
Last Sunday, as early as 5am, I woke up unwillingly heading towards the bathroom, looked in the mirror and said, 'Can I not go to Singapore anymore?' The answer is yes and no. Yes would apply to being able to sleep more and actually enjoy my Sunday while the No would mean I have broken a promise and selfish for own act. Pros and cons can be a badass. What gives? I never want to disappoint anyone for my own gain.
So ... I gave in and pack my stuff to Singapore, with my brother, of course.

The journey was unpleasant, enough said.
You know shopaholics actually shop at Orchard street, right? I was short of time and the company who I came with wasn't exactly travel-friendly. I can say this trip was merely just spend the day there for whatever reason that I couldn't care less. I didn't, I repeat, DIDN'T shop at all! Not a miracle whatsoever but because I simply did not have enough money. Guess who spent 60sgd on a lunch meal + desserts ? Me.

L-R : Marche restaurant, Ben and Jerry's, Bakerzin, Coffee Bean



And shdywbdksfcjldlouqeysnajdgaaix

The trip was alright. Nothing interesting. And note to self, I need to renew my passport ASAP!!!

I am quite keen on getting a dream-catcher tattoo but you know with parents' frantic (I lied, more like horror), I might need to wait slightly longer. What a life! I hate being Asian. I am not fully Asian but living in Asia automatically makes me Asian cultural bullshit. I never get anything in my way when it comes to stuff like clothing (I think stand at 65% making my own choice), guys' preference (only Asian is allowed, well fuck that), education (no fashion designing ching long ting tong) and so forth. I have curfews, mind you lucky brats who don't. I basically have no life, don't you think?

courtesy of Annabelle Tam @annabelletamm

As always, I changed my nails' color to peach? It's autumn, no? 

I am currently not in a good state with my own self, I have so much issue to deal with and more importantly, my future, my happiness and so forth. I'm only nineteen, I make mistakes, I learn, I fall, I back up, I just do it. Parents assume their child to be perfect? Try asking yourself whether there's a perfect person in this world. Then maybe, you could make assumptions of others. I am not always happy but I am not going to be said neither. Be happy, live and laugh as if there's no tomorrow.

Bought this ring to remind myself to laugh as much as I breathe. 
Life's too short to live in sadness and sorrows.

Family dinner on Friday.
Equatorial hotel.
Food is lovely and we family just can't stop nomming on grilled lamb. Ha ha!

I still have no inspiration to blog, at all.
Oh well, life goes on :)

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