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The Body Shop Hair Chalk Review

By Saturday, February 22, 2014 ,

Have you ever wanted to get colorful highlights but your parents wouldn't agree and you couldn't commit to something permanent/last more than 3 weeks? I admit it's fun to be young and hippie and YOLO but being brought up by strict parents who tolerate no-nonsense and stuff can be really tough to get their approval. My mom is okay but anything but full on pink/purple hair but my dad is pretty Asian so I often go behind his back and dye my hair, which wasn't a smart move but he got over it somehow. The past few years, dip dye, colorful highlights are in the trend for so long that it's no surprise you see brands offering dip dye diy kit and cheap hair chalks being sold even at Daiso! FYI I am very conscious of what I put on my body/face/hair and China brands hair chalk is very risky thing to choose so I am so glad my favorite vegan brand, The Body Shop has a Limited Edition range of Hair Chalk for Spring 2014!

When I was in Singapore, I passed by The Body Shop and I saw it was on the shelf - I quickly went in and saw, 'hair chalk' OMG I HAD TO HAVE IT!!! The assistant was surprised because she asked me what was I looking for and I said, 'so this is a hair chalk (dumb move, Mich!) and it's only 9.90SGD each. I had a tough 5 seconds to decide whether to get Tickle Me Pink or Falling For Blue but I had to get them both so yeah it took me 1 minute to just buy stuff, I often do quick shopping so I would never go out with anyone that takes hours and hours to decide one outfit. 

The package is so adorable, at the back it tells you the instructions and even provided pictures.
 Its' only 5g so I think it would last for at least 5-6 uses.
No smell, thank god! It will stain your hands if you don't use a mask but with soaps, it can be removed easily.
The application is superb easy, you don't need to 'wet' your hair at all! However, you will need to use a cloth to cover your hair to avoid the excessive powder on your clothes.

I tried for the first time and I love it so much that it really shows so well that it looks effortless.
If your hair is blonde, light brown - the pink will appear as light pink, blue will be baby blue.
If your hair is jet black, the pink will appear as violet/purple and the blue will be navy/striking blue.

Second try - the blue will appear pretty well so don't fret if your hair is as jet black as mines but like I said, the pink will appear as purple/violet.

Here are the steps :

Number #1 : Separate your sections well and where you would like to color your hair. Use a cloth to cover your clothes if you are wearing white/ not wanting to make a mess on your clothes duh!

Number #2 : Use your thumb to rub the hair chalk downwards* You will see the colors to appear visible.
If you don't get the meaning, I suggest you checkout for TBS video on YouTube

My sister requested for pink and blue so here's the aftermath

Lastly, seal this hair with a hairspray.
It wouldn't last long if you don't/sweat but it is really fun to give yourself a vibrant look for a fun day and all.

Verdict :

Things can get messy because it's powdery, your shirt may stain and it will be inconvenient for functions.

It is 5g but ...

My pink hits the pan already :( 

It wouldn't last for the whole day in a humid country so a hairspray is a lifesaver!
Price wise, 9.90SGD is very afforable. I'm not sure whether Malaysia has it but I sincerely do hope so.
It is easily removable, just shampoo and you're done.
It's a limited edition product but I pray The Body Shop would make it permanent and have more colors.

Would I repurchase it? Yes!

If you have any questions, do leave a message :)

p.s. this was not being sponsored by The Body Shop.

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