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January Favorites

By Monday, February 10, 2014

Most of the bloggers/vloggers I know have their monthly favorites but with a student's budget, I cannot splurge so much in a month. Then again, I will splurge if it's a necessity and that doesn't happen often I can assure you. Although I would not be doing a monthly favorites for every single month but I will keep blogging for reviews/events/social stuff. Whilst typing this, I can't believe it's already February! Like what?
2014 passed way too fast, I am savoring every moment.

Lush Snow Fairy shower gel | Etude House Oh My Goodness dry shampoo | The Body Shop Rainforest Shine shampoo
 | Lush Santa lip scrub | Avon Absolute lipsticks 

Lush Snow Fairy shower gel in 250g

Personally, I am more of a soap fan considering how much I prefer being lathered up than using liquefied shower gel. But I will make an exception for Snow Fairy. It smells heavenly like bubble gum and it's in pink! I don't often come across a shower gel that smells heavenly, has sparkles of glitter and in pink which made me had to have it. It is a limited edition shower gel so it is sold only during Christmas. Imagine you run out of your favorite essentials and you have to wait for another Christmas to get it? Yep, very dreadful. 
I got this shower gel for 30% off! It was originally 25sgd so after the discount, 17.50sgd. Of course it would be so pricey to state it in MYR but yes, I am a gullible woman who pays RM43.75 for a shower gel.
Kill me already, if you must hahahah what a pun.

 The instruction was really funny that I showed to my boyfriend, he laughed and said, 'Are you inviting me to shower with you?'. Right, who would want to shower with you anyway? Its' bottle is 100% recycled so do recycle once it's finished.

If you read my posts earlier, I purchased a 100g of its shower gel to give it a test and paid 12sgd. I regretted for not waiting for their clearance sales but oh well, what a way to spoil myself for Christmas. My sister and I enjoyed it so much that she used mine once in a while for some glitter. Unfortunately, the glitter got stucked at the bottom so I had to stir it up. Deep down, Lush has been my recent favorites whether it's their face products, hair, body products. I can not say no to Lush unless my aunt stops me from buying. She's always righteous but you know me, I am a spendthrift bitch.

Overall, I love the shower gel. I would recommend to girly girls but if you are up for a budget, cross up Lush from your list.

Etude House Oh My Goodness Dry Shampoo, 50ml

I have never tried a dry shampoo left alone bothered to because I wash my hair daily and my hair gets major oily if I don't. But luckily, Etude House is having buy 1 free 1 so I thought why not? I have been wanting to give it a try since forever but most of the time it's sold out or I was better off with a good shampoo. 
With just 50ml, it can only last me no more than 5 times of usage. Its scent is very sweet and non-powdery yet liquid content but it only manage to last for a few hours. I will not purchase this as I said earlier, I am better off with a good shampoo.
Price : RM59.90

The Body Shop Rainforest Shine Shampoo, 400ml

Speaking of a good shampoo, I have been using Sodium Laurent Sulphate free shampoo since December and I do find great improvement. At first, I was complaining how dry and unhealthy to a hair expert cum hair oil maker, Mina Rosli (you can search for her through instagram) and she gave me a few advice on how to take care of my hair and one of the things is avoid shampoo that has SLS. If you look at drugstore shampoos, 99.99% contains SLS. It was so hard to look for shampoos without it but I stumbled upon The Body Shop. The first thing comes in my mind was, 'THEY HAVE SHAMPOO?'. Mind blown and ordered the minute I saw it online. And because I didn't know they have two sizes, I bought the small one, 250ml priced RM45.00. I have used it and one thing I have noticed that without SLS, the texture of the shampoo is non-foamy, slightly thicker than water texture and it's colorless. 
I do find great improvement over my hair and the downside was really expensive.

But I do use shampoo with SLS once a while to remove excessive oil from my hair. It smells so good that I don't feel disgusted after a while and it still creates a partial bubbles but not as foamy/bubble-like than SLS shampoo. Overall, I find it wonderful that I bought a bigger size : 400ml for RM69.00
I do use hair masks and hair oil weekly, just so you know.
If you could find a shampoo without SLS an affordable price, do let me know.

The next item, Lush Santa Lip Scrub, 25g

What really made me buy a lip scrub? I honestly don't know. I use lip balm essentially for my chapped lips but I heard so much about how a lip scrub does more wonders and it's all au natural products? I wasn't keen on getting the original flavors such as Bubblegum, Popcorn and Mint Julip but I made an exception for Santa's. It's flavor is cherry cola and gosh the joy of eating them up after scrubbing onto your lips (what am I saying?). Price wise, IT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CHEAP FOR A BLOODY LIP SCRUB!!! It's 20sgd which is equivalent to RM51.70 so yeah it's really pricey if you actually convert. In my case, just don't because you paid the price to shop in Singapore.

The texture is not too harsh and as I said, smells so good tastes so good. It leaves your lips slightly flushed pink and I do find the price very hefty for a lip scrub considered they use all natural ingredients so I guess I should just shut up and let them take my money. 

Last item, Avon Absolute Lipstick Collection

This collection has a huge selection ranging from the usual pink to creme tone and red, maroon etc. Why is it called an Absolute collection? It is a new formula that has collagen formula that gives your lips the extra moisture yet leaves your lips soft afterwards. I really wanted to get another lipstick but my mom said I have way too many red and plump colors and insist I get a nude lipstick. I couldn't resist. What's life without lipsticks, right? As for the price, it's RM21.90 for each. It's not too expensive and as usual, I would check for its ingredients ... no paraben was used so you can calm your tits.
Out of so many possibility choices,  I have chosen Smooth Plum and Caramel Comfort.

Being swatched, 

It's very creamy but the plump stains onto my entire hand when I tried to rub it off so I really would recommend using a brush when applying onto your lips because things get too messy. Since it's a moisturizing lipstick, it won't really last long so you have to reapply it. 

And that's that.
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! 

x, M

p.s. Try a bold lipstick at least once in your life, girlies

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