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Some Bits Of

By Thursday, November 07, 2013

Most of the time, I get inspired to blog/type when I read a person's blog. And I needed to vent out at some point, I think.
No one saw it coming when my parents who forcefully signed me up for business course. I was slight worried because I had zero interests at first but I was quite contended for college's experience. It was the best experience I have ever had in my first semester, I went to club for the first time (legally 18), tried shisha and sleepover with a bunch of friends together and doing practically everything together was a bliss. I was proud that I did not skip a single class because I didn't want to get caught and all. Deep down, it was better than what I have expected - it was enough. However, it was short-lived because some transferred, graduated and so forth. I guess you can say after that, I was what I came to do : study.
I guess you can say I entered the wrong college because my major wasn't offered and I had to start all over again next year in a different college and environment. All those regrets of not achieving good GPAs, I am being able to do-over and I am thankful.
As much as I am excited for next year, I can't wait for new experiences. I am ready for changes. Just another 4 months till I start a whole new chapter of my life. Fingers crossed for a better one.

x M

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