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Question Of The Day

By Saturday, November 17, 2012

Question of the day, 

If you were given to start all over, what would you change ?

Honestly, my life has always been ups and downs. People make mistakes and I don't think I have gone through where the phrase I wished I could start all over and make it better. That's not life. That's a perfect reset button that can be found in computer games to get high scores. If I were to go back, it will be a whole different story. I like my life, that's all I need to clarify.

I asked this to my boyfriend, he said and I quote, 'We all have a bad past, we learn from it. I don't want to start all over it again because within the bad journey, there's something good along from it. I learned my mistakes and I have moved on. That's what makes life worthwhile' 

     Whenever I listen to an old song, it gives me goose bumps. A song can either bring sweet memories or horrendous past ; You can hide but you can't hide forever. I kid you not. Sometimes when friends ask for advice, I only said 5 words that actually make a whole lot sense than a bloody paragraph ... which is, 'Keep calm and carry on'. Life is too short to make you feel miserable. You deserve better, nobody is perfect. I repeat, no one I know is perfect! Now jot down your goals and dreams and make that happen! 

Deena and I :)

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