I Have a New Haircut and Something Else
It's like an old news to my friends because I had a haircut several weeks ago but I have decided to blog all about the pros and cons of going all short.

It's a traditional bob where it's length is shorter on the back whilst longer at the front like Anna Wintour. Except she's way old to pull off this look but I guess she couldn't give a flying ****.
How I've decided to get a haircut?
It was really that phase when growing my hair and wondering, "It's drying at the end and I am not going creative with my hair at all - I hate it when it takes time to blow dry and how I need conditioner or it'll be so horrible,etc." It was like telling myself so what if I chop it off? Hair will grow and yes, if I were to put in some girls' perspective, hair represents confidence so it's not exactly easy for some. Even my brother wouldn't go bald when he was younger so I guess some guys can relate to it. Anyways, my family and my boyfriend suggested I get it trimmed so I thought its time after a year of keeping it long.
It was like a loose canon walking into the saloon hoping to change the world - no, it did not change the world except I look way better now. I aged so much keeping it long hahah!
1. Do you regret cutting your hair?
Definite no. If you have never gone short all your life, it's time for a change. If you are too scared, get yourself a shoulder length first. Then, re-decide whether you are able to put up with this look for several months.
2. How do you know this haircut will be suitable for your face shape?
Honestly, I can't answer that. You may ask opinion from your hairdresser before cutting it. Then again, try not to go too short or maybe get an Alexa bob, here For example, I am a square-faced, I am suitable for bob that touches below my chin to create a less harsher look towards my face. I even gave myself a fringe to soften my forehead which is very broad that my cheeks are high and visible. You can click here to get ideas on which face shape suits for each short haircut.
3. What's the pros and cons of having a short haircut?
Pros - fuss free maintenance, you can save so much time for class/work early, I rarely use conditioner or whatever hair masks. I feel younger and fresh. Whomever said short hair don't have fun should just look at Rihanna and Beyonce.
Cons - You might feel a little weird at first without your usual long hair, you may have limited hairstyles to choose for functions or special day but we have accessories for that this 21st century. It may take a long time to grow back, approximately 7 months minimum. But you will eventually be even more confident and bold than before, I did. This is my n-th time chopping off my locks, it has always been my annual-chop-it-all-off thing.
I guess that's all for my hair. If you are still not up for a short hair, keep it. Questions?
Post it in my tumblr :)
Last night, I had a girls meet up session which I have been missing for a long time. They are going to see my short do live for the first time which explains how antisocial I am nowadays. No, not really. I just didn't have time since work has been piling up my butt seven days a week and how I always feel dreadful to go out without money to spend. It's Raya off days, Kiky whom I did not see for a year came for a visit or should I say in conjuction with Aidilfitri celebration with her family. This hangout is pretty much the do-or-die thing. Since we are always busy so have decided to make time for one another, no exception. Really. This time is pretty much different because I don't have to drive which also meant my driving license had just expired and I can only renew next Monday. Thankfully, Jocelyn decided to car pool us. Besides me, the rest two didn't have any license so yeah but you can really save environment even if its just 0.5%. To make up for those inconsiderate scums, of course. Since Jocelyn was going to pick me, I had an ample of time to dress up and put on makeup within 10 minutes max (makeup alone). I still don't get girls - why they need an hour to put their primer and foundation? I put on concealer (my dark circles was unavoidable), foundation, primer, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blusher, lipstick, mascara just like everyone else. Except I do it way too fast than most people, I guess. I didn't even edit my photos because the quality of a iPhone/iPad camera is just bluntly horrible. Don't judge my previous post, I used a proper camera.
3. What's the pros and cons of having a short haircut?
Pros - fuss free maintenance, you can save so much time for class/work early, I rarely use conditioner or whatever hair masks. I feel younger and fresh. Whomever said short hair don't have fun should just look at Rihanna and Beyonce.
Cons - You might feel a little weird at first without your usual long hair, you may have limited hairstyles to choose for functions or special day but we have accessories for that this 21st century. It may take a long time to grow back, approximately 7 months minimum. But you will eventually be even more confident and bold than before, I did. This is my n-th time chopping off my locks, it has always been my annual-chop-it-all-off thing.
I guess that's all for my hair. If you are still not up for a short hair, keep it. Questions?
Post it in my tumblr :)
Last night, I had a girls meet up session which I have been missing for a long time. They are going to see my short do live for the first time which explains how antisocial I am nowadays. No, not really. I just didn't have time since work has been piling up my butt seven days a week and how I always feel dreadful to go out without money to spend. It's Raya off days, Kiky whom I did not see for a year came for a visit or should I say in conjuction with Aidilfitri celebration with her family. This hangout is pretty much the do-or-die thing. Since we are always busy so have decided to make time for one another, no exception. Really. This time is pretty much different because I don't have to drive which also meant my driving license had just expired and I can only renew next Monday. Thankfully, Jocelyn decided to car pool us. Besides me, the rest two didn't have any license so yeah but you can really save environment even if its just 0.5%. To make up for those inconsiderate scums, of course. Since Jocelyn was going to pick me, I had an ample of time to dress up and put on makeup within 10 minutes max (makeup alone). I still don't get girls - why they need an hour to put their primer and foundation? I put on concealer (my dark circles was unavoidable), foundation, primer, powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blusher, lipstick, mascara just like everyone else. Except I do it way too fast than most people, I guess. I didn't even edit my photos because the quality of a iPhone/iPad camera is just bluntly horrible. Don't judge my previous post, I used a proper camera.
This is what happens when I was too lazy to even go upstairs to go to my room and take a proper photo. My apologies, it's my dining room hahahaha. Yes, that's prawn fritters. It's an Eurasian thing.
Trying to lose weight urgh.
Blouse, Padini | Skirt. Cotton On | Necklace, Diva | Bracelet, Indonesia
We initially wanted to have dinner at Garden 99 but it was closed down? Why out of so many places, this particular restaurant? Since Malacca was way too jam-packed, we had a cozy dinner at Sarpino.
I went all greek and ordered Greek Salad and Shrimp Santorini pizza while the rest had pasta. I personally think their pizza is good. Haven't tried Vivo's but someday (which stands for never). We had taken a lot of Polaroid photos with my mini instax. I feel bad for the worker helping us taking photos over and over and with our weird expression and I'm not going to elaborate that.
Many more from the rest but I'm just so lazy to upload since blogging on iPad isn't as convenient as I thought. Kiky and I do sport the same hairdo except mines way messier and unorganized.
After all the laugher and talk and selcas, we did have a great time catching up just like the old times. We kinda revive the whole 18 year olds us and Long Distance Issues which three of us, Kiky,Jocelyn and I are facing the same thing. I read enough magazines to tell me LDR isn't easy but it's worth it. At least for me.
I hope you guys out there who are, too, in a long distance relationship last. It may seem tough hahahaha but a little effort goes a looooooong way. It really does. Lets just say my boyfriend kinda just knew what he was getting into and he still goes for it. It's a long story. Tomorrow is Sunday and my last off day and I just feel sad because kiky is leaving on Monday. Why does time have to pass so fast ? Not fair.
Ending my post with - Appreciate your time with your loved ones. You just don't know when you'll ever see them again.