ChoonMing's Belated Birthday Celebration

Happy twentieth birthday, ChoonMing!
Her birthday falls on last Sunday but we sort of knew she will be spending it with her family so we decided to hang out the next day. She doesn't really care when it comes to birthdays but we do exchange gifts to one another annually. You gotta admit, we only turn 20 once and not celebrating it is a shame and illegal lololol.
This year, I baked her cupcakes while Jo and I shared and bought her a satchel bag, which is just the same as my yellow satchel that I posted on Instagram except its lilac. One of things I regretted was not using a electric mixer. I felt like a Stone Age using my bare hands and spatula to do it. My decoration was slightly off too but she said it looks great (comforting me maybe).
I haven't eat them yet but I tried the frosting and it tasted the same as I did before except its not as soft as before phew.
Since I have an evening class, we decided to have dinner in We initially wanted to try Halia Inc. but it was closed on Mondays. Thank god there's so many closeby restaurants and we gradually picked Amigos. It's my god knows how many gazillion times here but I love it - it's very colorful, usually packed, has sushi, affordable price no tax. I swear I'm never going to Secret Recipe. Okay maybe I will but rarely. Forking out 32 ringgit + dessert is atrocious for us students, at least for me lah.
For the first time, I have forgotten to take photos of our food. ChoonMing and I had sizzling set while Jo opted for pasta. She always order pasta and by the time our food came, she somehow wished she ordered our sizzling set. Jo and I wore the almost resemblance bag except mine was a brown 13' while hers is in baby blue 8' - she wished she had my bag. After the whole, "big is kinda useless sometimes bla bla ..." She then said she liked the size of Jo's bag. I don't know whether to be happy or not because we nailed her birthday present well this year. And the bag and cake is still in the car. I volunteered to take them to create less suspicious all.
As I was about to walk out to bring her present and cake, ChoonMing observantly asked, "where are you going?" But I was the best actress and showed her my worried face when I told her I left my phone in the car. She bought it. Like what?
As I came back with her present, she was so happy. Said she received the best present ever. Relieved as heck and more pictures taken. My hair crown took the attention away and thankfully no one really ask why is my hair so messy and sort.